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Проговые MP3

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СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Мар 02, 2005 3:30 am    Заголовок сообщения: Проговые MP3 Ответить с цитатой

Предлагаю обмен старым прогрессивным роком
cd audio:
Algarnas tradgard 1972
Alquin "Marks" 1972
"Mountain queen" 1973
Andromeda "Definitive collection"
Arcadium "Breathe avile" 1970
Atomic rooster "In hearing..."
Brainbox 1969
Brian Auger's "Oblivion express" 1970
Camel 1973
"Mirage" 1974
"Snow goose"1975
"Moonmadness" 1976
Canned heat "The new age" 1972
Caravan 1968
Collosseum "Valentine suite" 1969
"Daughter of time" 1970
Coupla prog "Death is a great gambler" 1973
Circus (switz.) "Movin' on" 1977
Vincent Craine "Taro rota" 1972
Crusis "Kronologia" 1976,1977
Dorian Gray "Idahaho transfer" 1976 (?)
England 1976
Freedom "More than a word" 1971
Front page reviev "Mystic soldiers" 1968
Gentle giant 1970
"Octopus" 1973
Gilgamesh "Arriving twice"
Golden earring "Same"
Gomorrha "Trauma" 1969
Gong "Gazeuze" 1977
"Expresso II" 1978
"Time is the key" 1979
Gun 1968
"Gunsight" 1969
Heads,hands and feet 1971
Humble pie "As save as esterday" 1969
Janis Joplin "Farewell song"
Jefferson airplane "Crown of creation" 1968
Join in "Ketalope island + 8 bonus tracks" 1974
Jud's gallery "SWF sessions 1972-74"
Improved sound limited 1971
Kebnekaise "III" 1975
Khan "Space shanty" 1970
Killing floor "Out of uranus" 1971
Krokodil 1969
"Swamp" 1970
Load "Load have mercy" 1977
Harvey Mandel "Feel the sound of Harvey Mandel" 1974
Message "A down a new day is coming" 1972
Mott the hoople "Brian cappers" 1971
"World cruise" 1976
Mountain "Clumbing" 1970
"Flowers of evil" 1971
Murphy blend "First loss" 1971
Nektar "Journey to the center of the eye" 1971
Novalis "Banished bridge" 1973
November "6" 1975
Nucleus "Elastic rock"
"Undder the sun" 1974
"Shakehips etsetera" 1975
Out of focus "Not too late" 1970
Premiata forneria markoni "Chokolate kings" 1975
Prosper "Broken door" 1975
Ragnarok (scand)1976
Raw material 1970
Ruphus zuphal "Weib der teufel" 1970
"Phallobst" 1971
Silverhead 1972
Soft maschine "Jet propellered photograpfs" 1967
"Softs" 1976
Sparrow "Haching out ...plus " 1972
Spooky tooth "It's all about" 1968
Steamhammer "Mk II"
Steppenwolf "Second"
Spirit "Spirit"
Supersister "Present from nancy" 1971
"Iscander" 1974
Sweet smoke "Just a poke" 1970
"Darkness to light" 1972
"Live" 1974
Tetragon "Nature" 1971
Tibet 1979
Titus groan 1970
Third ear band 1970
"Music from "Macbeth"" 1971
Gong "Gazeuze"
"Expresso II"
"Time is the key"
Gwendal "Les mouette's battent" 1979
Quicksilver messenger service 1971
Velvet Opera "Ride a hustler's dream" 1970
Zaratustra 1971
Zzebra 1974

MP3 (к сожалению не по алфавиту):
Aksak Maboul "Onze dances pour combattre la migraine" 1977
"Un peu de l ame des bandits" 1979
Area ( 8 альбомов)
Arti mestieri "Tilt" 1974
Asia minor 1979
Agitation free "Malesh" 1972
Arzachel 1969
Blood sweat and tears "Nuclear blues" 1980
Boud deun "Fiction and several days" 1995
Biglietto per l inferno
Celeste "Principe di un giorno" 1976
Citta frontale "El tor"
Corte dei miracoli 1975
Ccervello "Melos"1973
Dr. Nerve "Every screaming ear" 1997
SBB "1"
"Slovenian girls"
"Ze slowem biegne do ciebe" 1976
Scrooge "Happy that else" 1995
Yezda urfa "Sacred baboon" 1976
Focus "Moving Waves" 1971
Shirley Scott (jazz)
Victor Wooten (jazz) "A show of hands" 1998
Jean Luc Ponty "King Kong " 1971
J.Pass and P. da Costa "Tudo Bem" 1978
Gong "Magic brother" 1970
"You" 1974
"Shamal" 1976
Sammla mammas manna "Klossa knapitatet" 1971
Soft machine "Live 1970"
Hawkwind "Astounding sounds,amazing music" 1976
Xhol caravan "Electrip" 1969
"Hau-ruk" 1970
"Motherfuckers GMBH & Co"
Le orme "Ad gloriam" 1969
"Uomo di pezza" 1972
"Felona e serona" 1973
"Contrapunnti" 1974
Matching mole "Little red record" 1972
"Matching mole" 1972
Pentangle "Cruel sister"
Quel giorno di uve rosse
Raccomandata ricevuta ritorno "Per... un mundo de cristallo" 1972
Submarine silense
Van der graaf generator "Vital" 1978
Peter Hammill "Fools mate" 1971
"A black box" 1980
Ian Anderson "Divinities(12 dances with God)" 1995
Camel "Rajaz" 1999
Egg "Egg" 1970
"Civil surface"
"Polite force"
Nucleus "We'll talk about it later" 1970
"Labyrinth" 1973
"Out of the dark" 1978
Finch "Beyond expression" 1976
"Galleons of passion" 1977
Wigwam "Hard n'horny" 1969
Eiliff "Girlsrlsrls" 1971
Goblin "Roller"1976
"Il fantastico viaggio del bagarozzo mark" 1978
"Zombi (Dawn of the dead)" 1978
Grobchnitt 1972
Group 1850 "Agemo's trip to mother earth + bonuses" 1967-1968
High tide "Precios cargo" 1970

Интересует европейский арт и прогрессив 70-х
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Зарегистрирован: 18.12.2003
Сообщения: 1094
Откуда: Новосибирск

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Мар 02, 2005 5:17 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой


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